• Technische Universität Berlin

    Risk perception in the coronavirus crisis: a survey from TU Berlin

The coronavirus pandemic carries many risks, not only for individuals, but also for society. But how are the risks being perceived? And how are people adapting their behaviour in response? A working group at the TU Berlin is currently examining questions like this using an online survey. All Germans can take part in the study anonymously for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. Repeating the online questionnaire is expressly encouraged.

"From a scientific point of view, we can use the current situation to learn how we react to rapidly changing risks, how we assess them for ourselves and for others, and adapt our behaviour accordingly," says Professor Dr. Markus Feufel. Risk communication, risk perception, and medical decision-making are the central research topics of his working group at the Institute for Psychology and Ergonomics (IPA) at TU Berlin.

The scientists are using the current coronavirus crisis to work with colleagues from Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin to investigate under real conditions how people not only handle specific personal risks, but also more abstract threats at the social or population level.

Their research focuses on a central question that, according to Feufel, also shapes how people are handling the current pandemic: "How can risks be communicated in such a way that individuals understand them and act or get treated appropriately, without losing sight of the effects on the general public?"

People from all over Germany can take part in IPA's online survey. The study will continue until the Robert Koch Institute declares the crisis to be over. The results are being evaluated daily and published online in the form of graphics. Ideally, individuals will complete the questionnaire daily. Participation is anonymous. Only age, gender, and post code are requested. (vdo)

Results - updated daily:

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