Berlin Partner – FritschFoto
Science is part of Berlin’s DNA and is conducted at many locations throughout the city. In addition to Berlin's universities, the Brain City offers a…→Berlin's diverse Scientific Landscape
HU Berlin / Matthias Heyde
Berlin enables cutting-edge research in all disciplines. The network of scientific institutions makes it possible to drive forward the most important…→Research topics of the Berlin sciences
Berlin Partner
Berlin is particularly attractive due to the scientific network of the numerous research institutions. Many founders and also already renowned…→Cooperations of the Berlin sciences
FU Berlin / David Ausserhofer
Students and researchers mold Berlin's image as an international science location. Its large research spectrum attracts over 26.00 teachers as well as…→Careers in the Berlin sciences
LaKoF/Berlin Partner
Berlin is a pioneer in gender equality: in the intensive dialogue between academics and politics, a unique university landscape has developed in the…→Gender Policy and Research at Berlin Universities