• [Translate to en:] Das Team von Bettaf!ish auf einem Algenfischkutter in Norwegen, Brain Ciyt Berlin

    [Translate to en:] „Mit allem, was wir tun, betreten wir Neuland“

They are available in a can, in a glass jar or as a sandwich: TU-NAH and SAL-NOM are algae-based fish alternatives that taste like tuna and salmon and even look similar. These world’s first authentic seaweed-based fish alternatives are developed, produced and marketed by the Berlin-based company BettaF!sh. Founded in 2020, the start-up conducts research with its own R&D team in Brain City Berlin and works closely with universities and research institutions across Europe. The goal of BettaF!sh: To put seaweed on every plate and make the food industry more climate-friendly. BettaF!sh founder Deniz Ficicioglu tells us more about it.

Ms. Ficicioglu, how did the BettaF!sh business idea come about?

I have always had a close connection to food and the sea. Maybe it’s because my first name means “sea” in Turkish. My father ran a restaurant. And I loved watching the work in the kitchen as a child and discovering the flavours and ingredients. This passion for food became even stronger when I was diagnosed with gluten and wheat intolerance a few years ago and had to change my lifestyle. As soon as I went shopping for the first time, I realised how out of balance the food system has become worldwide. I decided to take control of my diet myself from then on. At the Hamburg food innovation hub HERMANNS’s I discovered the enormous potential of seaweed. From that moment on it was clear: Seaweed can be not only a sustainable but also a healthy alternative to fish – and provide answers to some of the most pressing ecological questions.

How did it go on from there?
In 2020 I founded BettaF!sh in Berlin. Since then, we have been committed to the power of seaweed with a team of 15 people. When we talk about the future of nutrition, there is no way around our oceans and seaweed. 70 percent of our planet is covered by oceans, but currently 98 percent of all calories consumed come from land. That is absurd!

What is special about BettaF!sh products?

They are unique in many ways. Firstly, we use seaweed as a core ingredient – ​​one of the most sustainable resources on our planet. Algae grow without fresh water, fertilizers or pesticides and actively contribute to the regeneration of the oceans. This makes them future-oriented, not only ecologically but also economically. Our products also impress with their flavour, texture and nutritional content. We completely avoid soya and wheat and do not use any artificial flavourings or additives. Instead, we rely on regional field bean and pea proteins. What also makes us special is that we are working together with European seaweed farms to increase the demand for seaweed. This also gives fishermen the opportunity to continue earning their living at sea. At the same time, we support the regeneration of marine ecosystems and help to rebuild fish stocks.

Do you carry out your own R&D projects – also in Berlin?

Yes, our innovative strength is based on a combination of internal research and development and strategic partnerships with leading research institutes, including the Fraunhofer IMTE Research Institute for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering in Lübeck and SINTEF – one of Europe’s largest independent research organisations. The aim of these collaborations is to develop seaweed further for broad application in a variety of foods. We are currently working on the “FunSea” project, funded by the EU and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), to research how cultivated brown algae can be processed into novel, safe, healthy and tasty foods. The co-operation with SINTEF, Fraunhofer and the universities of Lund and Aalborg builds a bridge between science and practice. These partnerships enable us to develop science-based and forward-looking solutions that meet both industry requirements and consumer needs. However, we conduct most of our research and development directly in Berlin. Our team includes food technologists, biotechnologists and even a trained chef. This enables us to conduct innovative basic research and quickly translate our developments into marketable products.

What have been the biggest challenges so far in founding BettaF!sh?

We are breaking new ground with everything we do. This makes our work incredibly exciting, but also challenging, as we have to develop and implement new solutions every day. One of the biggest challenges for us was setting up the first supply chain for cultivated brown algae in Europe. Before our founding, there were passionate algae farmers, but no processing industry that could make these algae usable for the food sector. We had to establish completely new standards on site at the farms to ensure the quality and availability of the products. We completed this mammoth project before we could even start developing our products. Once this basis was created, the next big question arose: How do we make the algae attractive and affordable for the mass market? After many detours, we finally ended up with plant-based tuna – a familiar food with an authentic taste that makes it easier for consumers to enter the world of algae. We are currently working in our R&D to increase the algae content in our products further. The focus here is on the challenge of cracking the “colour code” of the algae, as most types of algae are very green, which makes them unattractive for the food industry.

Why is Berlin a good location for a start-up like BettaF!sh? After all, it’s not near the coast.

That’s right, the algae we use definitely do not come from the Spree. The many universities in Berlin are a clear advantage for us. Two Berlin universities – the Technische Universität Berlin and the BHT Berlin University of Applied Sciences – offer degree programmes in food and biotechnology. Many students also want to stay in Berlin after graduating. However, there are not many large companies in this sector that fulfil the additional requirements of purpose and sustainability. As an employer, we can of course score highly here. Since our foundation, we have had our development areas and our office in the Food Innovation Hub “Kitchentown” on Mollstrasse. Here we have exactly the infrastructure we need to advance our research and development. At the same time, we are part of a large community of food tech companies, experts and potential partners from the industry. This collaboration has accelerated our work in many areas – even without the coast.

What qualities should founders have in order to launch a start-up successfully from a scientific perspective?

Above all, they should have curiosity, perseverance and the ability to inspire others for their mission. Nobody can achieve change alone. We always need allies from science, business and politics. The ability to build bridges between research and practice as well as between theory and marketable products is essential. It is equally important to develop new narratives for a better future from which everyone can benefit. However, the most important thing for founders is never to lose their optimism. If we ourselves do not believe in our mission, it will be difficult to inspire others – be they employees, customers or investors.

Speaking of mission: What is BettaF!sh’s vision – and where do you want the company to be in five years’ time?

Our vision is to establish seaweed as a sustainable key ingredient for the nutrition of the future. We want seaweed to be perceived not just as an alternative, but as a natural ingredient in a variety of processed foods. For gourmet enjoyment, the environment and people. In five years’ time, we see ourselves as the leading B2B supplier of algae-based ingredients and foods in Europe and beyond. Our aim is not only to inspire consumers with our products, but also to bring about sustainable change in the food industry.

Interview: Ernestine von der Osten-Sacken

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