Dr. Sana Amairi Pyka
TII Quantum Communications
Dr. Sana Amairi

Dr. Sana Amairi Pyka (Alumna)


TII Quantum Communications, Abu Dhabi


Brain City Ambassador Dr. Sana Amairi Pyka is currently a researcher at the Quantum Communications Lab of the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi.

The interview was conducted during her time at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.



Please describe your focus of research:

(Further Information about Dr. Sana Amairi Pyka)


What is the most exciting aspect of your research?

  • The cutting-edge technologies applied to fundamental physics experiments in space
  • The multinational collaborations and international project coordination
  • The interaction between academia, research institutions, and industrial companies on an international level
  • Travelling and networking
  • Unlimited chances to learn and evolve
  • Get to live in Berlin


What do you like about living in Berlin?

Berlin is an international city. People are easy going and used to diversity and it is not very expensive compared to other countries. There is nothing that you can't find in Berlin. But most importantly, Berlin is the city for innovations and startups.


What collaborations does your research benefit from?

The collaboration with Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. – Competence Network for Optical Technologies.


What are the advantages of Berlin in comparison to other research locations?

Berlin is the capital of start-ups with more than 3,000 Tech start-ups. In addition, many opportunities for entrepreneurs are available in Berlin, such as incubators, and business investors. Berlin is becoming a metropolis for creativity attracting talents and most importantly, companies such as Microsoft and many others. Almost every international company has an open office in Berlin Just like Berlin's former mayor Klaus Wowereit said: "Berlin is poor but sexy."  


What is your advice to young people who are interested in studying in Berlin?

You must come to Berlin! Living in Berlin will give you a large overview of all career options from research in academia, to working for research and development companies to entrepreneurship. Berlin is international, it is the capital of creativity, art and entertainment (which is an important point according to my experience trying to get my Friends to move here). It's a big capital where you can find anything you could possibly look for, though with a low cost of living compared to Tokyo, Sydney or Paris.


What kind of development would you like to see in the city?

It will be great to have bigger airports with better connections to the world. Everything else is beautiful.


What do you wish for the future of the Berlin sciences?

I hope Berlin sciences will involve more female scientists in companies and research institutions, and provide a better life-work balance for researchers. It is important to provide opportunities to connect academia to the industry such as job fairs. Another key factor will be to introduce sciences to young students at an early stage to attract their interest and curiosity.