Mexican Science Day – Building Knowledge without Borders

Im Rahmen der Berlin Science Week findet der Mexican Science Day statt, der von der Mexikanischen Botschaft in Berlin veranstaltet wird.

Das Event mit Fokus auf einen interdisziplinären Dialog beginnt am 07. November um 09:00 Uhr in der Mexikanischen Botschaft.

Brain City Berlin hat zu diesem Anlass ein Interview mit den Veranstalter*innen geführt.

Brain City Berlin: How extensive are the scientific collaborations between Mexico and Germany so far and what role does Berlin play in particular?

Mexican Embassy Berlin: As a result of more than four decades of the implementation of scientific collaboration, it has become one of the most successful and dynamic fields in the bilateral relationship between Germany and Mexico. Germany is a strategic partner for Mexico´s scientific development. In this context, Berlin represents a meeting point for Mexican researchers and students. In the last five years the number of Mexican students and researchers coming to Germany has increased considerably. These exchanges are encouraging and foster the links between research centers  and academic institutions of both countries. For example, during 2017 the DAAD supported 620 Germans to study or do research at Mexican Universities, on the other hand 1031 Mexicans came to Germany. In addition, more than 300 students got scholarships form the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT).


Brain City Berlin: What opportunities does the international dialogue between Germany and Mexico offer on a scientific level?

Mexican Embassy Berlin: Mexico and Germany have an important political dialogue, strong commercial exchanges and common interest to encourage the scientific and academic relationship. For several years, the years, the Mexican academic sector has developed a deeper interest in German postgraduate and research programmes. This situation impacts Mexico´s competitiveness in key sectors such as energy, nanotechnology, medicine and engineering.


Brain City Berlin: Which disciplines are in the focus of the international dialogue ?

Mexican Embassy Berlin: The academic and scientific communities of both countries are working together to face global development challenges. The fields that have been strengthened by the bilateral collaboration are astronomy, biomedicine, neurosciences, social sciences and renewable energies.

Brain City Berlin: What results do you expect from the Mexican Science Day, an open event in the Berlin Science Week?

Mexican Embassy Berlin: The objective of the Mexican Science Day is to bring together German and Mexican scientists of the Max Planck Institutes (MPI) in order to have an interdisciplinary dialogue and to present the outcomes of the most relevant research projects with the scientific community, civil society and students. Considering the relevance of the Berlin Science Week and the outstanding scientific and academic cooperation between Mexico and Germany, the aim of this event is to strengthen this relationship, as well as to identify new opportunities for scientific cooperation.