Brain City Berlin Ambassador: Jens Peter von Kries (Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) & Max Delbrück Center Berlin)
Director of the technology platform for active ingredient search and genome-wide RNA interference
How long have you lived in Berlin?
Since 1995.
Why did you choose Berlin?
Einzigartige Forschungslandschaft von Grundlagenforschern und Klinikern plus Biotechnologie Unternehmen. Weltoffene Stadt mit multikulturellem Hintergrund. Sehr schöne Seenlandschaft im Umfeld der Stadt.Unique research community of scientists and clinicians plus biotechnology companies. Cosmopolitan city with a multicultural background. Very beautiful lakes around the city.
What excites you about Berlin?
Direct contact between politics and science with mutual exchange of experiences in a metropolitan setting.
What are your private interests and hobbies?
Photography, basketball, nature.
What is your personal message for Berlin as a center for science?
Berlin offers great opportunities for research, study, teaching and innovation in modern optics and photonics. We invite you to take advantage of them!