• Berlin Women’s Prize 2023

Proposals for the Berliner Frauenpreis (Berlin Women’s Prize) 2023 can be submitted until 14 November 2022. The award, presented by the Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health, Long-Term Care and Gender Equality, has been given annually since 1987 to a woman from Berlin who is exceptionally committed to an equal society – female scientists included .

When it comes to equality between women and men, Brain City Berlin is far ahead of the rest. With a proportion of female professors of around 32 percent, Berlin even occupies the top position nationwide. Around half of all doctorates in the city now go to women (as of 2019). It is no coincidence that the Brain City Berlin is considered the capital of female scientists. And yet: There is still a lot to be done so that women and men can meet on an equal footing in teaching, research and work. In science, business, politics, art and the media, women are still underrepresented, have lower incomes, receive lower pensions and are much more involved in family care than men. Their achievements are also usually less visible to the outside world.

The Berlin Senate has awarded the Berlin Women’s Prize annually since 1987 in order to give a face to dedicated women who work in an extraordinary way for an equal society and to honour their work. In 2022, the award, endowed with 5,000 Euro, went to Prof. Dr. med. Mandy Mangler for her podcast “Gyncast”, in which she speaks openly about gynaecological topics. Since 2016, the doctor has been Head physician at the clinic for gynaecology and obstetrics at the Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum. Since 2021, she has also been the dual Head of the gynaecology clinic at Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln.

Who will win the Berlin Women’s Prize 2023 is still written in the stars. Individuals or groups can submit proposals until 14 November 2022.

The prize is awarded exclusively to women from Berlin and only to living people. The selection criteria also include the development of future-oriented and innovative ideas and concepts, including  “outstanding scientific work that discusses gender-relevant issues and/or new, creative approaches relevant to gender equality”.

The ceremonial awarding of the Berlin Women’s Prize will also take place in 2023 on the occasion of International Women’s Day. (vdo)

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