Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig
Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin - University of Applied Sciences

Brain City Berlin Ambassador: Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin - University of Applied Sciences)


Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig works at the ASH Berlin and is dedicated to health care research on the topics of working conditions in nursing, integrated quality and personnel management as well as economic evaluations.


Please describe your focus of research.

I conduct research in the field of Healthcare. In particular, I focus on working conditions for nursing staff, integrating quality and personnel management as well as economic evaluations.


What is the most exciting aspect of your research?

A practical orientation is essential for research at universities of applied sciences. I work with many healthcare stakeholders, especially hospitals and other inpatient care facilities. Our team of researchers learns a lot in our discussions with their staff and we work together to find solutions to make the nursing profession more attractive.


What do you like about living in Berlin?

Berlin is colorful and culturally diverse.


What collaborations does your research benefit from?

ASH Berlin cooperates with many health and social services institutions. The mixture of private-sector and non-profit partners offers a great variety.


What are the advantages of Berlin in comparison to other research locations?

Berlin has a unique density of universities, universities of applied sciences, and non-university research institutions, allowing for great research partnerships. There is also a unique network of cooperation partners from industry and professional associations.


What is your advice to young people who are interested in studying in Berlin?

Take advantage of the opportunities Berlin offers. You have the opportunity to attend seminars at other universities or departments and complete internships in almost any industry. The diversity of the disciplines and the partnerships on offer is truly unique. Get involved socially and help shape Berlin's future.


What kind of development would you like to see in the city?

Berlin needs affordable housing, but also research into how social cohesion can succeed. Therefore, research funding should focus more on practical research in social work, health, and childhood education.


What do you wish for the future of the sciences in Berlin?

I hope for further networking and the courage to question and change what already exists, e.g. the right to award doctorates to programs at the universities of applied sciences that are strong in research as is happening elsewhere in Germany.